PowerSchool is Coming!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are excited to announce a significant improvement in our school's administrative and academic management systems. Beginning this August, we will be transitioning from Aspire to PowerSchool as our primary student information system (SIS).

Registration though this new platform will be available August 1st. If we are able to open registration sooner, we will notify the community.
Please ensure that your contact info in Aspire is up to date as your email address will be required to log in to register your student.

PowerSchool is a leading SIS used by schools worldwide to enhance communication, streamline operations, and support student success. Our decision to switch to PowerSchool is rooted in its robust features and user-friendly interface, which we believe will greatly benefit our students, parents, and staff. Here are the key areas where PowerSchool excels:

Enhanced Communication

PowerSchool offers an intuitive Parent Portal, providing real-time access to your child's academic progress, attendance, and grades. The system supports direct messaging between parents and teachers, fostering improved communication and collaboration.

Comprehensive Student Data Management

With PowerSchool, all student information is centralized and easily accessible. This includes academic records, attendance, schedules, and behavior reports. The system's comprehensive data management ensures accuracy and efficiency, making it easier for staff to support each student's unique needs.

User-Friendly Mobile Access

PowerSchool's mobile app allows parents and students to stay connected on-the-go. Whether checking grades, receiving updates, or accessing school announcements, the app ensures you are always informed, no matter where you are.

Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

PowerSchool offers advanced reporting and analytics tools that provide valuable insights into student performance and school operations. These tools help educators identify trends, monitor progress, and implement data-driven strategies to enhance student learning outcomes.

Streamlined Enrollment and Scheduling

The system simplifies the enrollment process and course scheduling, making it easier for parents to register their children and for students to manage their course selections. This streamlined process reduces administrative workload and ensures a smoother experience for families.

Secure and Reliable

PowerSchool prioritizes data security, ensuring that all student information is protected with the highest standards of privacy and security protocols. You can rest assured that your child's data is safe and secure within the system.

We understand that transitions can be challenging, and we are committed to providing all the support you need during this period. We will be offering training sessions and resources to help you become familiar with PowerSchool and its features. Detailed information regarding these sessions will be shared soon.

We are confident that PowerSchool will significantly enhance our ability to support our students and communicate with our school community. Thank you for your continued partnership and support as we make this important transition. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to embarking on this new journey with you and your children, ensuring a better, more connected educational experience for everyone involved.

Warm regards,

Grand County School District